Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So Insane.

I have known Stephanie since we were three years old, and we bascially grew up as sisters our whole lives, I say this to try and expaline the insanity. So Ryan was born on Thursday, we got home Friday around noon, and we left for Tucson Saturday morning around eleven to make it to her wedding that night. Only for this girl would I pack up my newborn son.. stop and feed him at a pit stop and then drag him out for the night. Mikayla on the other hand... couldn't stop dancing, and going to visit the Princess Stephie. I am so glad we were there, even though I had to nurse in church... while feeding Mikayla crackers to keep her quiet and then sit at the reception guarding my son so no one would even look at him while he was tucked away safe in the sling. It was a beautiful night, crazy but worth it.


Kaisha said...

Aww, so nice you got to go!! And you got your first nurse in public over!!! Yay!! I think that took me a month or so to manage:-) You sound like you have the mommy of 2 thing down very well already!

Unknown said...

Wow, you are a true friend to her! That is impressive! Way to go. :-)

Jac said...

You are one crazy girl but I am so proud of you for going and so happy it went well!

Maria Sauerbrei said...

Glad you decided to go and you took Mikay! What fun!!